Sunday, December 18, 2011

Work Christmas Party

Friday night was our work Christmas party. I wasn't going to go....but since it was right after work I decided to go. I figured why food & the possibility of winning a I really do like my co-workers. Here I am with my favorite co-worker M. She is a PT and we are the 2 main therapist. We have a good time and always laugh alot, which I'm all for.

Here I am with my work besties. These girls work in the office across the hall from our rehab room since the work in our records department I see alot of naturally I just started call them my besties. We still call each other bestie when we see each other in the hall.

The rehab crew minus one of our PT assistance who didn't attend. I work with some great people. And in spite of the fact that I didn't win a prize. It was still a good time.

Here I am with "R" we went through orientation on the same day and in spite of the fact that we work in different departments we've got each other's back.

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