Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Apartment!

My bedroom from looking in the door.

Looking to the left from the door! Nice big window!

The hallway. To the left is the bathroom. To the right my roommates bedroom. Straight foreward is my room!

Our living room! I washed the window yesterday...the papertowles I used were black!
Our kitchen. I cleaned and set up the table yesterday so it looks cute!
So yesterday morning I woke to a free saturday! I love the feeling of being able to do whatever I want. So I decided to do some cleaning since I really haven't had a chance to do so since I've lived in my aparment. I knew it was dirty and all of the areas in which I have placed my things I've cleaned with bleach wipes...but that had been my room mostly and the bathroom. Well yesterday I cleaned our common area and it was disgusting!!! My roommates and I moved into the apartment that had been previously occupied by girls living in our ward. It was kind of a slow transition and in all honesty some of the "grossness" factor could have been caused by my roommates before I moved in but it was very frustrating to move into a place that was so dirty, all grossness not of my own making. So moral of the story... clean your grossness before you leave a place, it's rude to leave it behind for someone else to take care of. Anyway I spent 3 hours on our tiny apartment and I must say I think it's looking good.

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