Saturday, September 12, 2009


During the last week of summer break one of our "things to do" was take new pictures for my Mom's piano. So one evening my mom loaded up her camera with film and we headed outside for a photo shoot. This is my cheesy sunflower can how be seen displayed on my grandmas wall.

Brianna looking hott!! Grandma got one of these too!

The set wouldn't be complete with out one of Callie with the Sunflower. Grandma loved it!

Here's the pic we chose for the piano...looking tan and rested...wonder how much longer that will last.

Brianna's shot for the piano! Beautiful!

Callie looking amazing as usual.

One of all three of us! Love my sisters! We had an amazing time together this summer!

Family photo! We took these in our tie-dye shirts we made! I love this pic...we are hoping Mom will send this out with the Christmas cards this year! Great pic!

1 comment:

Myriah Cohen said...

I love the sunflower pictures! They are fabulous. It made me want to go find myself a sunflower and a brick wall.