Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin carving

On Monday for FHE we carved pumpkins! It was alot of fun. I decided to sway from my usual and try a new look including and upside-down heart nose, side bangs, and a skewed mouth. I think it turned out cute.

Here I am trying to look like my pumpkin...but I'm kinda doing a "dad" face.

Here it is all lit up!

Here's my pumpkin and the basketball player pumpkin carved by a friend of ours who is in the ward.

Here's my roommate Erica's poor picachu pumpkin. She carved in on Saturday...this is what it looked like Tuesday! It's too moist here for our own good. Happy Halloween weekend everyone!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Prop 8

As election day gets closer and closer the pressure increases and we are forced to ask ourselves questions like: how will you vote on the may important issues on the ballot? How will each issue effect my future and those that will come after? One issue I am 100% sure of is Prop 8, regarding the traditional definition of marriage. It's not about discrimination or about not wanting my homosexual friends and family (yes I have both) to be happy but about preserving the right to teach what I believe with in my home and at church and that is that marriage between a Man and a Woman is ordained of God. I you have any questions about prop 8 please got to or ask away in the form of a comment. I hope will all vote according to what we believe is right.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


So for quite some time I've known that my eye sight was getting worse and that I needed to get my eyes check. Well since I began grad school and need to read things from a distant I decided to take the plunge. A few weeks ago I went to the eye doctor and ordered glasses. Although I really only have issues when viewing things at a distance when picked them up yesterday and wore them while driving last night I was surprised at how much they help (I don't think I realized how bad my vision was)....they make me a little dizzy but I'm sure I'll get use to them soon, at least they are cute!

Friday, October 17, 2008

A visit from Callie!

Last weekend my sister Callie came to visit and we went into San Francisco for a open topped bus tour. Here we are on the bus.

Here's an awesome building covered with copper so it turned green just like old penny's.

Here I am outside of china town...I was trying to look like the statue but ended up looking confused.

Here's Callie looking silly by the statue.
We stopped and toured the Japanese gardens in golden gate park. They were beautiful. Here's a pic of Callie looking gorgeous.

Here's me in the Japanese gardens.

The Japanese gardens they were beautiful!

Callie in the Japanese gardens.

They had this cool bridge -I had to climb up the sides like a ladder to get up there.

Here's a great pic of Callie and I that I took with my timer.

Here I am with the golden gate bridge.

The navy's "blue angles" were doing a show while we were in the city and it was amazing to watch they have amazing skills. It was a great day and I greatly enjoyed spending time with my amazing sister!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


When I moved here I was super excited to find that there were sister missionaries serving in my ward here! I've had the opportunity to teach with the sisters a couple of times and it's been amazing! Missionary work is invigorating! Today when I went outside I found my car covered in hearts with little thank you messages from the sisters! It was so sweet and brought me back to the mission days. It made my day!

Visit from Tiffany!

One of my favorite companions from the mission made surprise visit to Oakland last weekend. It was so nice to spend time chatting and catching up. We were able to do a session in the Temple and see a bit of Oakland. It's wonderful to have friends who you can just pick up where you last left off no matter how long it's been. I always feel like I'm amazing when I'm around Tiffany! True Friends are worth their weight in gold! Thanks to all of you who have offered true friendship!

Meeting Adden!

My Mom, My Grandma and I drove down to Southern California (during the weekend I was home) so My grandma and I could meet our new little family member. Here I am the first time I held him. He was asleep pretty much the whole time, so precious.

Here's my sister Callie with our cute little nephew.

My mom, a proud Grandma!

So cute.

Precious Boy!

Adden with great Grandma Shirley. Seeing my grandma with Adden reminded me of what a wonderful lady she is, she just loves her grandchildren and it shows! She a great woman.

Visit Home!

Two weekends ago I went home to visit and to see my new nephew (see next post) I brought some gifts for my family all baring the name of my new school! Here is my sister Callie and I in our matching Samuel Merritt college t-shirts.

Say what?

While I was home we went to Sea Canyon and apple farm near Avila beach and bought some delicious apples. In keeping with the "tradition" I was taught the first time I went there (thanks Myriah and Isabelle) we ate apples on the way home. Tasty!

Here I am with My Mom and Dad in their new sweat shirts! Look'n good in blue.

My Mom and I try to show some "west-side" pride but end up laughing.

Here we are being hard core...kinda.
I love my family and am so happy that I'm close enough to visit often!