Sunday, February 24, 2008

Family Trip!!!

To celebrate Brianna coming home we thought we would take a family trip. A friend offered us the use of their time share in Solvange for really cheep, so, although I had my concerns about Solvange being really boring we packed up and headed out. First we stopped in San Luis to eat at a Tia restaurant to celebrate my sister-in-law Carrie's birthday. Here Carrie and I are with our dinner, yum.

Here are Brianna and I taking a break from shopping in down town Solvange. What up, Yo!?

Here are Me, Brianna, and Matthew doing the chicken dance in front of a waterfall that we hiked to outside of Solvange. So the conclusion is Solvange actually ended up being a really great time mostly because I have such a really great family.


Myriah Cohen said...

I don't understand what exactly you were eating at that mystery restaurant.

Tara said...

BBQ chicken Tia style.

Hilary said...

Lol. Love the chicken dance pic :-)