Thursday, September 30, 2010

I think I found my calling in life!

I recently started my 2nd and final Field work experience (aka an internship I am required to do for school). My first field work placement I did over the summer and it was at a nursing home where I had the opportunity to provide therapy for elderly individuals most of whom had recently had surgery (hip, knee, heart, etc.) It was fast paced and at times I was stressed to the max trying to get everything done. But I enjoyed it for the most part and met some wonderful people who taught me a lot and who I was able to help. I also learned a lot from my field work supervisor who pushed me, was open and honest, and was an awesome and knowledgeable therapist. After a month long vacation I started working again, this time in pediatrics. For the past 3 weeks I've had the opportunity to work in a medical therapy unit with children. So far I have seen many diagnoses but primarily Cerebral Palsy. In spite of the fact that each case is complicated and unique and that children seem to have so many more aspects to look at than adults, I LOVE IT!!! I love working with the kids and figuring out how find things that are fun to do to help them develop the skill necessary to be independent and functional. I LOVE that the kids respond to me so well, that they smile and laugh and seem to love me instantly. The kids that I work with have some pretty severe disabilities but each one is so special it amazes me....their patience and dedication to a task blows me away. I'm learning so much but the biggest thing Ive learned so far is that this is what I want to do, it's my gift from my Heavenly Father that I have a special connection with these kids. I'm so grateful for my knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father and that he has a plan for me. I have felt his influence with me each step of the way as I've moved closer and closer to my educational and professional goal of becoming an occupational therapist. I know I'm going to keep needing it as I move closer and closer to becoming an full fledged OT! I'm living the dream.

1 comment:

Myriah Cohen said...

Yeah! Woot woot! This is awesome, Tara! Those kids probably like you because of your jokes. Keep it up!