Monday, April 27, 2009

Braided hair!

One weekend while I was at home my sister Callie and my cousin Katie braided my hair in tiny braids this is the first time I've done this since girls camp when I was like 15...over 10 years ago...I thought a peace sign seemed appropriate!

PS....I realized why I hadn't done this in's because it take FOREVER to take them out!

End of the Year PARTY!

To celebrate the end our first year of grad school we had a class party. We met a diner near our school where we often meet at to eat food and "drink" (I get soda of course) to celebrate midterms being over...a hard test, or whatever. They set up a buffet for us and we all hung out and ate and just had fun. Here I am with my Friends Brooke and Breanne

Here's our yummy food!

Here's our group pic of our class! SMU MOT1's!

This was supposed to be the funny one...some people didn't get the memo.

Here I am with 2 of favorite people in the program Katy (0n the left), who I met my first day during orientation and hanging out with her helped me not to bawl my eyes out during our whole lunch hour that day and we've been friends ever since and Dani (on the right) who always makes me laugh!

Here's a cute one of Dani and I, so happy to be done with finals,.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Easter Weekend!

So now that finals are over and things have calmed down a bit I thought I would update my blog. So Easter weekend I went home to visit my family. Now you're probably wondering what the heck parrots have to do with Easter....well I'll tell you, Easter weekend also happened to be the weekend my hope ward had their annual chili cookoff/talent show. One of the members of the ward invited a friend who trains parrots to participate and he did. It was actually really funny and kind of amazing what these beautiful birds could do!

I also got eat chili and cornbread and to hang out with one of my best friends, Hill!

For Easter Sunday my sister Callie, my Mom, and I all got new Easter dresses so we had to take some pics so we could remember how cute we looked!

Here are my adorable parents on Easter Sunday (don't you think it's great that my Dad's Tie kinda matches my Mom's dress). After church and picture taking we went down to my Aunt and uncles house and had Easter dinner with our Griffith relatives it was a great day!

The next day after I got back into town my roommates and I headed downtown Berkeley to celebrate our roommate Taryns birthday with friends by eating Korean Food! It was a fun extension to a great weekend.
Here's a bonus video of some of the talent of my home ward...they made of new words to songs making them "chili cook-off" appropriate. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Last night I took a break from studying and went to see "17 Again" with my roomies and a friend. It was hilarious! I think it actually may be in competition with "She's the Man" as my favorite teenie-bopper movie! Anyway thought you would all want to know. Well I'm off to study again...1 more final and then I'm free!

Monday, April 20, 2009

It's FINALS week!

So it's Monday night of finals week...and I'm already sick of stuying....too's going to be a long week.